10 Snacks For Your Holiday Travel!


Traveling can be the perfect storm for bad eating, especially during the busy holiday season.  You may be under stress, surrounded by tempting foods and tired from fighting crowds.  As impossible as it may seem to continue your healthy lifestyle, on-the-go food items are now available everywhere you turn.  Gas stations, airports, and convenient stores are stocking up on nutritious snacks that won’t derail your diet.  Whether you are traveling by car, train, or plain…check out my 10 snack ideas that will keep you full without packing on the pounds!

1.   Pistachio’s

2.   Starbuck’s Oatmeal (skip the brown sugar)

3.   Low-fat Greek Yogurt

4.   Pop Chips

5.   Low-Fat Frozen Yogurt

6.   Fruit

7.   Raw or salted almonds

8.   Larabars or a protein bar with ingredients you can pronounce!

9.   Any veggie you can find

10.Dunkin Donut’s egg white turkey sausage flatbread


Happy Travels from TheFittChick!

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