How Fish Oil Helped My Client Lose 61 Pounds!

Shari Viner

I couldn’t be more thrilled to show off my client Shari, and her featured article in Woman’s World Magazine! She has lost an inspirational 61 pounds, and managed to keep it off for the past 3 years! Check out the entire article here…


Losing weight is no easy task, but maintaining a your loss often presents a new set of difficulties that leads many dieters to regain their weight loss. Studies have shown that between 80 to 95 percent of dieters regain lost weight, often gaining more than when they started.  The key to maintaining your weight is adopting healthy lifestyle habits that are repeated day in and day out.  Keeping extra weight off requires effort and commitment, through changes in eating habits, exercise and state of mind.


TheFittChick plan is a way of life! There are no tricks or gimmicks! There are no shakes or pills! If you can lose weight eating the foods you love, you will never feel deprived and therefore keep it off for good. If you are looking to get started on a weight loss journey, check out my programs HERE! And let Shari motivate you to EAT YOURSELF SKINNY!


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