TheFittChick weighs in on healthy snacks for “Fitt” kids before and after the game!

Image “It’s a familiar scenario – your child just came home from school and you have 10 minutes to get them changed, fed and to sports practice. While you rush your son or daughter to his/her room to change, he is simultaneously screaming that he can’t find his cleats and that he’s hungry. As you rush him out the door, you grab the first snack you can find – the artificially orange-colored, artificially cheese-flavored crackers. You simultaneously curse yourself for not having something healthier to give your child while whispering under your breath – I am not a bad parent, I am not a bad parent.  To be able to bet on any sports with ease, a site like 온라인 카지노 exists.

 And, of course you are not. (For the record, there is nothing wrong with him eating those crackers on occasion.) But, why not give your child a healthy snack to get practice started on the right foot? There are tons of nutritious snacks that are just as easy to grab on your way out the door as that box of crackers. So that next time you’re prepared, stock your home healthy and nutritious foods!”

Today was TheFittChick‘s turn for soccer snacks. Every week someone brings Oreo’s, dunkin donuts, or some sort of cracker. My son said “get something healthy” which obviously warms my heart! When I bought the apples and gatorade I knew it might not be the perfect choice (or the most should have seen half the kids faces), but it was better then what we normally have. We live in a busy time when sometimes its 10 minutes before the game and you realize its your day to bring the snacks! “Just remember, teaching our children about proper nutrition is fundamental to keeping them healthy and strong, especially if they are physically active! Kids’ sports performance and healthy growth will depend on eating the right foods.”

Live Fitt…Be Fitt! (and that goes double for our kids)

Check out this article for great ideas on quick, healthy snacks before, after, and during the game…