Quick and Simple Meal Prep – Ready in One Hour!

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Whether you are preparing for a busy work week, a weekend getaway, or just a long day ahead, meal prepping is the sure fire way to stay on track.


With my own hectic work week and a road trip planned for the weekend, I was left with ONE HOUR on my lunch break to prepare 4 days worth of food. Not only did I get it done, but had time to sit down for lunch while all my food was baking.


My Food Prep Included:

Moist & Tender Flank Steak
Rotissorie Chicken
Jennie-O Italian flavored ground turkey
Pan Seared Cabbage
Sweet n’ Sour Green Beans
Sweet Potatoes
Egg White Veggie Muffins


Meal prepping doesn’t have to be complicated or time consuming. Just think of fast and delicious recipes that will yield large portions. I pre-portioned all these foods along with some on-the-go snacks and I’m ready to hit the road! The key to living a healthy lifestyle is thinking ahead and never being stuck without anything to eat. It’s as easy as the popular quote:




How do you stay healthy while traveling?

Comments (4)

[…] tighten up my already clean eating plan, I am making sure to meal prep every week!  I will also ditch any convenience foods like protein bars to ensure my diet is coming […]

[…] tighten up my already healthy eating plan, I am making sure to meal prep every week!  I will also ditch any easy convenience foods like protein bars, rice cakes, bread, […]

[…] willpower and hard fucking work! If you want results you have to work for it! This begins with meal prepping and having good real food available for your body 24 hours a day. Second comes exercise and […]

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