Get the Skinny on Protein Shakes!

“Many people use protein shakes to supplement their regular diets. Serious exercisers and athletes use them to build muscle, while less active individuals use them in place of meals to lose weight. Protein shakes can be effective in achieving each goal, as long as users choose the correct products to meet their needs.”

“High-protein and low-carb diet plans are extremely popular for the fact that they do help you lose weight quickly. By adding low-calorie and low-fat protein shakes to your diet plan, this can boost your daily protein consumption and aid in your weight loss goals. Protein fuels the muscles, and the more muscle you build, the less fat you have. According to Byron Richards, CCN of, “The amount of quality protein in your diet is the single most important calorie that influences your metabolic rate, favorably influencing weight loss.” Richards recommends taking in 3/4 of your body weight in protein grams per day for weight loss. Low-calorie, high-protein shakes can provide much needed protein that you might not normally get in each day with meat, poultry and fish.”

“Your body burns more calories to digest protein than it does other types of food. Increasing your amount of protein will help you use more calories and increase your weight loss. One serving of whey protein powder daily can help you burn more calories. Choose a low-calorie protein supplement for maximum effect.” There’s a reason whey protein is revered in fitness circles. By choosing a high-quality whey protein powder, individuals can support their fitness goals, from muscle building to efficient recovery.

TheFittChick “approved” protein powders have at leave 24 grams of protein per serving. And even more importantly, look for whey protein powders with almost zero grams of fat and carbohydrates. My 2 favorites are Jay Robb Whey Chocolate and Metabolic Nutrition Peanut Butter Cookie.

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Nice article 🙂 Thanks for following!

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