Can Your Multivitamin Help You Lose Weight?

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There’s still no magic pill for weight loss, but taking a multivitamin might be the secret to a slimmer you. 


“Vitamins are essential to good health. Not only do they supplement your nutritional input when following a low-calorie diet, but they can also increase your metabolismand actively increase your weight loss!


One plausible theory as to why multivitamins might help promote weight loss, is that when your body is low on vitamins and minerals, your appetite fires up—prompting you to eat more to replenish the nutrients you’re missing. By staying topped off with nutrients, it may be possible to keep a runaway appetite under control.


If you’re female and need to lose a little weight, get this: In a recent study of overweight women, those who took a standard multi for six months lost an average of 8 pounds. Those who got fake pills didn’t lose a thing. Why? A multi may help your body slim down by filling tiny nutritional gaps that slow your metabolism. That’s not just speculation. The metabolism of the vitamin takers increased by 6 percent, so their bodies burned more calories 24 hours a day.


Nutrition experts say it’s best to get nutrients from food, but when dieters cut back on calories they are more likely to miss the mark on some nutritional requirements. So although a supplement on its own won’t melt the pounds away, it can help ensure that vitamin and mineral deficiencies aren’t contributing to extra weight.”


Stick with a vitamin that is backed by science! Nutritional supplementation does not fall under the FDA’s guidelines, therefore you are blindly hoping that what the label reads, is what is actually included in the product. Not a chance I want to take personally. For this reason I love AdvoCare’s multivitamin. CorePlex multivitamin supplement provides a synergistic combination of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and botanicals  to help supply the body with the nutritional components it needs to maintain optimal health.  It also provides a balance of nutrients that assure benefits and optimal absorption that far exceed most other multivitamin supplements on the market.  And most important, It is tested and certified by Informed Choice, the leading third-party testing agency in the world.*

Make sure you are taking your multi everyday!  It just may be what your missing to see the results you are looking for.


Live Fitt!…Be Fitt!


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[…] of vitamins and fish oil, protein powder is one of the few staple supplements that everyone should be using on […]

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