12 Perfectly Portable Snacks for Healthy Holiday Travels!

12 Portable Travel Snacks

Traveling can be the perfect storm for bad eating, especially during the busy holiday season.  You may be under stress, surrounded by tempting foods and tired from fighting crowds. Whether you’re flying across the country or driving across the state, you’ll want to keep a stash of healthy snacks on hand in case you run into any delays, cancellations or other travel mishaps. Check out my 12 portable snack ideas that will keep you full without packing on the pounds!


  1. Fresh Fruit or veggies

  2. On-the-Go Shakes

  3. Lara Bars, RXBARS, or Quest Bars or a protein bar with ingredients you can pronounce!

  4. Seaweed Snacks, rice crackers, flackers, rice cakes, or popcorn

  5. Enlightened 100 calorie snack packs (Use Code TheFittChick20 for 20% off)

  6. 100 Calories Chocolate Chip Protein Bites

  7. Low or No Sugar Beef Jerky

  8. Raw or salted nuts, Seeds, or coconut flakes

  9. Justin’s on-the-go peanut or almond butter

  10. Just add water oatmeal cups

  11. A bag of Homemade Trail Mix (Pistachio’s, Almonds, Lily’s Stevia sweetened chocolate chips, dried mango, low-sugar granola, etc…)…If you are trying to lose weight or counting calories, prepare a few snacks packs split into 100-200 calorie portions, so you know exactly what you are eating.

  12. Hard-Boiled Eggs or Egg White Veggie Muffins

What are your favorite healthy travel snacks?


Happy Travels from TheFittChick!


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