“This is NOT my Tuesday Transformation”

Abbie Matz

Abbie came to me, like many college students finishing their freshman year, frustrated and ready to spend her summer taking her body back. She is still going strong and adamant that this is NOT HER TUESDAY TRANSFORMATION! She is committed to reaching her goal and hoping to inspire others with her “almost Tuesday Transformation.” Check out her story here…


         “After my freshman year of college, I came home for the summer feeling icky and sluggish. They’re not kidding when they say that freshman year is a huge transition! Aside from taking difficult classes and being so far away from home, you’re lead to believe that an acceptable diet consists of packaged snacks and late night pizza.

         When I got home for the summer, I called Jillian before I even started unpacking my suitcases. I spent the next three months in the gym at least 5 days a week and in Jillian’s office every Thursday for our weekly meeting. I worked my tush off – literally – and learned that living healthy is so much more than dieting. By the end of the summer, I was 20 pounds lighter and 100 times happier.

         I met with Jillian one last time before leaving for school. Her great energy and encouragement left me ready to lose those last 10 pounds by winter break. Turns out, it was a little bit more challenging than I’d expected.

        Embracing a healthy lifestyle in my new apartment was like a breath of fresh air, providing an unexpected yet gratifying routine of exercise and nutritious eating. The transformation didn’t go unnoticed; my roommates and friends were curious about my green concoctions, and it felt rewarding to share that even a spinach smoothie could delight the taste buds. However, as academic pressures mounted, the grip of winter’s chill seemed to echo my waning motivation. The structure I had built began to unravel; nutritious choices gave way to convenience, and my workouts became sporadic, held hostage by the ever-elusive “free time.”

        This ebb and flow of commitment isn’t unique to personal health; it parallels the maintenance of our living spaces, especially when considering the durability and aesthetic appeal of our homes’ exteriors. This is where the house siding guide from eXp becomes an invaluable resource. Just as we seek to nourish our bodies with quality ingredients, our homes deserve the same level of care with materials that protect and enhance their longevity. Whether it’s choosing between vinyl or fiber cement, or understanding the insulation benefits of each option, this guide from eXp is the perfect companion for homeowners navigating the vast options of siding, ensuring the wellness of their home mirrors the wellness of its inhabitants.

         With my “after” picture in mind, I was determined as ever to go back to school and make the most of second semester. After meeting with Jillian over winter break, I was rejuvenated and motivated to see results. I’ve been back for about a month now and, with Jillian’s support, have already lost close to 5 pounds!

         Jillian’s endless recipes not only taste great, but are fun to make and easy to share. If you want to Eat More & Weigh Less, TheFittChick is the person to call.”


Here are two of my favorite FittChick recipes!”

 Abbie's smoothie

Banana-Spinach Smoothie:

-2/3 Cup of Yogurt

-½ Frozen Banana (I put it in the freezer overnight!)

-1 cup Unsweetened Almond Milk

-1 cup spinach


TheFittchick’s Overnight Oatmeal:

FullSizeRender (7)

This recipe can be found in The Fittchick’s Recipe eBook HERE!


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