Ask TheFittChick: Will Going Gluten-Free Help You Lose Weight?

Will Going Gluten-Free Help you lose weight?

Celebrities worldwide are raving about the weight loss benefits of going gluten-free.  Many nutritionists say this booming trend is based on dangerous misconceptions that cutting out gluten can help with weight loss. A gluten-free diet is prescribed for those who have Celiac disease or a sensitivity to gluten. As for the average individual, following a gluten-free diet is probably not necessary.


Gluten-free doesn’t automatically mean “low-calorie” or “healthy.” In fact, gluten-free foods are not only more expensive, but full of extra calories and sugars to make up for the taste and texture when gluten is removed. Research shows some G-free breads contain as much as 14 times the fat as the supermarket’s standard brand.


Some individuals might attribute successful weight loss to following a G-free diet because certain food items must be omitted, such as breads, pastas, cakes and cookies made from wheat, rye, and barley. At its core, a gluten-free diet is full of healthy foods, including fruits, vegetables, protein and whole grains, like brown rice and quinoa. However, purchasing an entree at a restaurant or a processed food item at a grocery store that is gluten-free does not add any benefits for your waistline.


If you are looking to lose weight, want to learn to eat healthy, or just want to experiment with a gluten-free program following a healthy diet paired with exercise will help you see the results you are looking for. If you are looking to lose a few pounds, want to learn to eat healthy, or just want to experiment with a gluten-free program (customized just for you), check out my plans HERE!


Eat Yourself Skinny!


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